Victor Bustillos

Software Engineer @ Microsoft & Freelancer

Coding for fun and passion.


I began my career with a last-minute, spur-of-the-moment change in major. As I spent days studying my computer science degree at my university, I became increasingly convinced that I had discovered my passion and identified what I want to pursue for the rest of my life.

I have experience in multiple areas of software engineering, ranging from Front-End/Back-End to Site reliability work.

Currently I work as a Software Engineer in the leading video and streaming technology provider company, focusing on front-end and back-end work.

When I'm not working, I like to travel and take pictures.


  1. June 2024 - Current


    • React
    • Typescript
    • Node.js
    • Express.js
    • Azure
    • CSS
    • Design system
    • Docker
  2. Dec 2022 - Dec 2023

    Collaborated with a cross-functional team to define, design, and ship new features for the company’s product, a streaming platform that provides global reach of client’s multimedia content using React.js and Typescript/Javascript • As the sole contributor to the redesign of the company’s design system, developed and maintained responsive React components, resulting in a 30% faster load time and a 25% increase in user satisfaction scores • Designed, developed, and managed highly scalable services for distributing multimedia content via CDN using Node.js and Express.js

    • React
    • Typescript
    • Node.js
    • Express.js
    • SCSS
    • SASS
    • Design system
    • Docker
  3. Jun 2022 - Aug 2022

    Participated in a rigorous 12-week technical training program, mastering Production Engineering fundamentals, enhanced by real-world insights from industry leaders and interactive workshops • Designed and launched a template-based website, using Python, Flask, Jinja, and MySQL. Optimized for scalability and performance using Docker and Nginx, with robust quality assurance through comprehensive unit-test integration • Implemented container monitoring and alerting system with Prometheus and Grafana, improving efficiency and reliability • Automated testing and deployment workflows using CI/CD, effectively reducing deployment times by 70% and simplifying the testing process

    • Docker
    • Flask
    • Nginx
    • Unit testing
  4. Jul 2022 - Dec 2022

    Successfully reduced the time for interview scheduling from hours to minutes by automating the process. Achieved this through effective integration with Wizeline’s BigQuery datalake and various external APIs, including Zoom and Google Calendar.) • Developed a Vue.js-based web application for interview management with high focus on usability and friendly user interface, resulting in a 94% user satisfaction rate based on surveys • Enhanced system efficiency through the development of serverless services using AWS Lambda and Python (Chalice). This led to a 30% reduction in maintenance costs and a more responsive infrastructure • Actively contributed to the application’s architecture design, focusing on scalability and security

    • Vue
    • Python
    • Chalice
    • AWS
    • AWS Lambda
    • Docker
  5. Oct 2020 - Sept 2021

    Redesigned and developed company’s landing page, responsive and accessibility compliant, using React.js and Tailwind • Improved website’s SEO by optimizing key metadata, improving site loading speeds and enhancing keyword strategies, resulting in a 40% increase in organic traffic • Performed SQL database cleaning on inconsistent/corrupt data, optimized Django server response times by up to 50%

    • React
    • Typescript
    • Node.js
    • Express.js
    • SCSS
    • SASS
    • Design system
    • Docker